I have created a Jira work management project and I'm using forms. I have created 4 different forms and I want to know which form was used to create the tickets.
So, I thought of creating a field which will be hidden and will have a default value. But I cannot find a way to hide a field or set default value for a field.
Can anyone help on this ? Is there a way to know which form was used to create a ticket ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing the ticket.
Do you know if there is a way to know which form was used to create the ticket ?
For ex., I have created 3 forms.. formA, formB and formC.. All 3 forms map to same issue type. Once a ticket is created, I want to know which form was used to create the ticket.
Thanks in advance.
Shesha Chandra
If you go into the ticket, you should be able to see the form.
This one sentence is a game changer for using forms. I've found that a ticket created from a form takes on two labels automatically: "form" and "form-####" where #### is equal to the unique ID of the form which can be found by navigating the Form's edit/authoring page and viewing the URL.
https://[YOUR COMPANY INSTANCE HERE].atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/[YOUR PROJECT KEY]/form/1028?from=directory
This is easily utilized in an automation from an "issue created trigger" with a "if label contains" and then input the "form-####" label value.
Works like a charm!