n Next-gen project Done issues still show up in Assign to me gadget

Henry November 13, 2018



I can see issues that have beeset to Done status in a next-gen project still show up in Assign to me gadget. Is there a way to fix it? Thanks!

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 15, 2018

Hi Henry,

I've tested on my test instance and on a next-gen board, when we move a ticket to a "Done" column, it gets automatically resolved. Tickets with a resolution do not appear in "Assigned to me", but a ticket that is closed and the resolution is not set, it still appears as "Open".
Did you add a new status to the board?
Can you please open the tickets and check if the status is "Green"?

Screenshot 2018-11-15_11-50-44.png


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