looking up multiple issues

a n September 25, 2012

hi there,

i'm trying to look up multiple issues in Jirah, ie HCM-119, HCM-59, HCM-160 etc, i have about 10 issues to retrieve that are not assigned to me nor reported by me. How do i go about this?

I tried doing an advance search based on the component requirement (i am not sure if this is the field name is for key/issue ID).

thanks in advance

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 25, 2012

You can use JQL

key in (HCM-119, HCM-59, HCM-160)

Or you could use the multi-issue searcher in the Jira Toolkit if you have it.

And no, the component is the, um, component, not the key of the issue ;-)

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