jql for incident report linked by project

Administración_Soporte October 28, 2019

I need a report with the issues that used an incident linked to a specific project, if I use only issueLinkType = "link1" it returns all issues but I need a series for each project.


project A = 5 issues link "link1" to project "B"

project A = 1 issues link "link1" to project "C"

project A = 10 issues link "link1" to project "D"

1 answer

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 29, 2019

Hello @Administración_Soporte

Unfortunately, JIRA does not have an inbuilt report to return this kind of information, however, I know there are some apps that you can use to perform JQL sub-queries inside linked issues, so you would be able to return only the linked issues from a specific project and use a gadget to count the number of issues or return them directly.

Check below some apps that might help you achieve that in JIRA Cloud:

JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports 

Scriptrunner for JIRA 

Let me give you an example with JQL search Extensions, so I can clearly explain what I mean:

1 - Configure the following queries, saving it as three different filters:

Project = A and issueLinkType = "link1" and linkedByQuery = "project = B"
Project = A and issueLinkType = "link1" and linkedByQuery = "project = C"
Project = A and issueLinkType = "link1" linkedByQuery = "project = D"

The three queries above will return all the issues from the project A that are linked as "link1" to other issues in the project B, C, and D, respectively.

2 - Navigate to your Dashboard > Click to add a new gadget > add three Issue Counts gadgets

3 - Configure the gadgets with the respective filters, naming it as you want. The gadgets will return:

      - How many issues in project A are linked as "link1" to project B issues

      - How many issues in project A are linked as "link1" to project C issues

      - How many issues in project A are linked as "link1" to project D issues

Let me know if this information helps.

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