jira plugin

venkatraj v.p. November 20, 2018

can we install old version of a plugin in latest jira server. will all the functionalities of the plugin work in latest jira if we do so.

i tried installing clone project for jira(url below) in latest version of jira and the installation was successful. if the installation is successful will all the functionality of this plugin work or will it cause any other issue as im installing unsupported version of plugin




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Joe Pitt
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November 20, 2018

The plugin should list the versions of JIRA it supports. If is doesn't say it supports your version of JIRA I would say 'results are unpredictable.' Depending on the feature you use in the plugin it may work and others won't.  I doubt the plugin developer will be able to tell you as they may not have tested it on previous JIRA versions.  Plugins are updated for basically three reasons: 1. new plugin functionality, 2. Something changed in JIRA that broke the old plugin version, and 3. JIRA introduced a new feature/function the plugin wants to take advantage of. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 20, 2018

Your safest option is to look at the "manage add-ons" (or "universal plugin manager" to give it it's real name) from inside Jira, and only use plugins that it says are valid for it.  If you can't find an add-on you want, then there is no valid supportable version.  You are unsupported if you use add-ons that the UPM does not tell you are ok for your version.

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