jira performance and workflows

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March 4, 2024

Hi folks, working with a company using Jira and they have 5 workflows for around 8000 projects. I have requested a new workflow as the ones listed just aren’t suitable. Does anyone know what the impact of adding more workflows would be from a performance perspective as it is simply unusable at the minute. Any pointers to documentation would be great

2 answers

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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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March 4, 2024

Hi @AislinnG 

usually less configuration objects will make for a better performance. So having only a few amounts of workflows wouldn't contribute to a bad performance unless they are all complicated with lots of Conditions, Validators and such.

Having lots of (unused) custom fields, Screens and other schemes will clutter the instance as well as old issues, boards, filters and projects.

8000 projects is a lot. You can split data center on different nodes and improve the performance. Not sure if that has happened.


Maybe this helps:

Reduce overhead and improve Jira Data Center performance (atlassian.com)

Jira Data Center Performance | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation

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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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March 4, 2024

Hi @AislinnG , 


I would like to understand the setup, 

in my experience I did not find any big correlation number of workflows, but configurations - of course. 

maybe better to start from system metrics? 

- JVM 

- how many nodes?

- RDMBS metrics ? (latency, throughput)

- Error rate? 





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