incessant email notifications from Jira

guillet_marion March 25, 2024


I receive whenever the status of a ticket is updated within my Jira board. How can I disable them? Here is the current configuration of my notifications.Capture d'écran 2024-03-25 171107.png

Thank you.

4 answers

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John Funk
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March 25, 2024

Hi @guillet_marion  - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Are you a Watcher on all of those issues? Or are you the Project Lead for the project?

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Walter Buggenhout
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March 25, 2024

Hi @guillet_marion and welcome to the Community!

Most likely, the notifications in your Jira project are configured to send notifications to (many users) in case of a generic event. If your Jira admin does not configure the event that is raised by a workflow transition properly, this happens on every status update indeed.

It is probably best to look at (or have your Jira admin look at) the notification scheme(s) in Jira Settings > Issues > Notification schemes and remove the people being notified when this generic event occurs. That should drastically reduce the number of notifications being sent.

Hope this helps!

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guillet_marion March 29, 2024

After a few days, it seems that the new notifications settings doesn't change anything. I keep recieving those emails.
Here is the current setting :Capture d'écran 2024-03-29 101925.png


And I'm still recieving email notifications everytime the status of an issue is updated.
I am the project Lead for this project.

Trudy Claspill
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March 29, 2024

What is the project type where this is used? You can get the project type information from the Type column on the View All Projects page under the Projects menu.

Is that the full list of notification settings?

Are you the Assignee, Reporter, or Watcher on the issues for which you are receiving notifications?

guillet_marion April 2, 2024

IT is a Team-managed software
I am usually Reporter and thus Watcher

Trudy Claspill
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April 2, 2024

A similar comment was posted on the announcement article about the Notification changes.

And now I have also posted a comment about this. You might want to add your own comment also.

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guillet_marion March 26, 2024

Ok thank you for both your answers.
I'm usually the reporter of those issues. So in Settings > Issues > Notification schemes i deleted "Reporter" for the notification type "An issue is edited".
Now i just have to wait and see :)

guillet_marion March 26, 2024
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