help to multiply value of 2 custom fields in Automation

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February 10, 2022

I have a Team managed project in JIRA.

It has 2 list type custom fields - Impact and Probability, which have numbers in the dropdown.I would like to multiply the selected value of the 2 custom fields and save them in another field (Score)Score = Impact * Probabilty.However, I am unable to make this work using Automation and Smart Values. Please help! Thank you in Advance.

3 answers

3 votes
Cat W February 10, 2022

You can multiply two fields in Automation using (Field1 smart value) * (Field2 smart value), but you'll want to make sure you're surrounding your expression with {{#=}} {{/}} so that Automation recognizes it as a math expression.


Here is what the final expression should look like:

{{#=}}{{issue.Field1.value}} * {{issue.Field2.value}}{{/}}


So based on the fields you listed, you should be able to use the following expression to set the Score field in the Edit automation action:

{{#=}}{{issue.Impact.value}} * {{issue.Probability.value}}{{/}}

0 votes
Cat W February 10, 2022

Side note, for future reference @sarema if you create a post as a question rather than a discussion, it can help others who might have similar questions find answers more easily.  :)

0 votes
Josh Costella
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February 10, 2022

What @Cat W said!

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