You do not have permission to log work on this issue?

Leia Sousa September 13, 2012

One of my users is getting this message in one specific jira but she was able to log work to the same jira a couple of days ago. And she can log work to all other tasks under the same project.

She tried through the task and tempo, but both show the same issue (good that works properly in this sense).

Have you ever had this problem before?

3 answers

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Rahym Salamov June 26, 2020

Also be sure that the the task, backlog etc. is not in OPEN status. It must be in IN PROGRESS or equivalent flow logic.

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Leia Sousa October 10, 2012

This problem happened with another user. The same scenario: the user has permission to log work on task under a specific project but for one specific taks, he can't log.

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Arthur Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 14, 2012

Hello Leia,

Please check which groups/users are allowed to Log Work, under Project Permissions. I believe that you just need to add the necessary groups/users to let them perform this operation.


Leia Sousa September 14, 2012

The point is the user DOES HAVE access to log work against any tasks uder this project, but the problem is with one specific task. And said in my original question, she has already been able to log work against the task but suddenly she started getting this message.

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