Where is the "Share settings with existing project" checkbox?

Michael Davison January 12, 2022

I'm trying to create a new Project based upon an existing one. There used to be a "share settings...." checkbox. Now I don't see one anymore, as shown below. How do Share settings with an existing project?

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 9.54.47 AM.png

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Sam Nadarajan
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January 12, 2022

Hello Michael,

The ability to share settings with an existing project is not available for team-managed projects. They are only available for company managed projects, which are designed for organizations that want to share configurations among multiple Jira projects.

Team managed projects give your team greater control over its configuration (workflows, fields, etc), but configurations in team managed projects are not currently meant to be shared across teams.

There is a ticket where this request is being tracked. It looks like it's in the backlog for a future release but not prioritized for the near future.

Hope this helps

Micheal Planck November 15, 2023

I don't want to share settings with another Team-managed project; I want to copy them. So that when my people create a new Jira project for their latest product, they don't have to start from scratch and re-create every workflow and issue type we've figured out are helpful. Since it's team managed, they can still go off and do their own thing if they need to, but why do they have to do everything by hand?

Why is this concept of "I like this, let me use it again" so utterly foreign to Atlassian?

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