What is the maximum number of contexts recommended for a custom field?

PCG September 2, 2021


I have a custom field that has 18 contexts. Each context can have one or multiple projects and issue types associated.

I'd like to know if there's any limit to the number of contexts we can have for a particular custom field thinking on any performance issue or other limitation. For the moment, we don't have any performance issue.




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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 2, 2021

There's no simple answer to this one, and there are contexts about context, and a very long essay about how it has changed over the years.

But in Jira 8 and above, Atlassian upgraded and revamped the indexing, which shortens the answer to "this is not a performance concern for people on 8+"  You'll have run into performance issues caused by all sorts of other things before custom field contexts start to matter.

(Oddly, for Jira 4 to 7, the answer was totally counter-intuitive - a Jira with 100,000+ issues and 100 projects performs better with 100 contexts for a field than it does with the field having a single global context!)

PCG September 3, 2021

Nic, thank you very much for your answer!

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