Update the key of a project

amit.bakst October 25, 2022

I want to update the name and the key of a certain project, but when I try to update the key, I get a message like this:

Screen Shot 2022-10-25 at 11.56.34.png

I just want to make sure before I do the update that it won't delete things for me, and what does this sentence refer to ״break some external integrations״, Why should I pay attention?

Thanks in advance,


3 answers

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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October 25, 2022

In addition to @Eugenio Onofre answer, here a detailed article about that https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/editing-a-project-key-938847080.html

Hope this helps,


amit.bakst October 25, 2022
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Eugenio Onofre
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October 25, 2022

Hi @amit.bakst

Changing the Project Key will trigger a Jira reindexing, which means all entries in the database will be updated to refer to the new key. Depending on the amount of tickets, the reindex process can take from minutes to hours.

The reindex process will not delete any ticket. 

The reference to "external integrations" refers to possible existing integrations that relies in Jira. Examples:

  • if you have Jira Automation rules configured for the old key, you will need to update it to the new one
  • if you have external services (ex: any service that get Jira information via API), this external service will need to be updated to reflect the new API Key.


amit.bakst October 25, 2022

Hi @Eugenio Onofre,

Thank you for the reply!
If I have executed signatures isn't it something I will have to redo on the same tickets?

Thanks in advance,


Eugenio Onofre
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October 25, 2022

I am not quite sure on what you mean by signatures. Are you using any plugin to have eSign documents? Is this what you mean?

amit.bakst October 25, 2022

Yes, we are using the eSign

Screen Shot 2022-10-25 at 12.30.32.png

Eugenio Onofre
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October 25, 2022

I is unlike that signatures will be lost but to be 100% sure, I would recommend creating a support case with the plugin provider.

Chris Cairns - Digital Rose
Marketplace Partner
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October 25, 2022

Hi @amit.bakst ,   As the eSign app vendor we can also confirm that changing project keys will not break the references to eSign signatures.  

Feel free to send us any further questions directly at support@esign-app.com 

Digital Rose


0 votes
raj-kumar2 October 25, 2022

There's nothing to worry about. No data will be lost.

External integrations means existing integrations that relies in Jira.

You can proceed with updating the Project Key, all entries in the database will be updated to to the new key.

amit.bakst October 26, 2022

Thanks @raj-kumar2 !

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