Tickets created with Create button at top are now showing on board.

Will Cloxton August 17, 2022

Tickets created on the top of the page with "Create" button do not show up on our board.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 100126.png


However, if we create an issue in the Column of the board itself it shows Screenshot 2022-08-17 100406.png


I can't seem to locate why this is happening, the tickets exist, if we enter the ticket number in the URL they show up, but they are not viewable in the board in any way. We've assigned them, given them labels, but they're not displaying. 

What could be causing this? 

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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August 17, 2022

Hello @Will Cloxton 

Welcome to the community.

Is this a Company Managed project or a Team Managed project? A Scrum board or a Kanban board?

I suspect it is a Team Managed project and a Kanban board.

If a Team Managed project and a Kanban board, do you have the Backlog feature enabled? If so, then issues created with the Create button will be added to the Backlog by default. You have to go to the Backlog screen and move them to the Board section of that screen. If you add the issue directly in the column, then it gets added directly to the board.

Will Cloxton August 17, 2022

Hi Trudy,

Thank you for your response, Yes this is a Team Manager project on Kanban. I was able to locate the missing tickets in the backlog. Is there anyway we can change this behavior? They're being assigned a column when the ticket is created but they're getting put in Backlog anyway. This has added a bit of confusion for our team. Can we default the create button to place them directly on the board if a column is assigned? 

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 17, 2022

No, unfortunately you cannot change the behavior of the Create button.

If you want all issues to appear on the board when created, you would have to turn off the Backlog feature.

At this time there is no support for automating the move from Backlog to Board, but there is a change request for that.

How are you "assigning  them to a column" when you create them using the Create button? Typically when issues are created they are set to the first Status in the workflow. Any change to that status has to take place after creation either manually or through automation. 

Will Cloxton August 17, 2022

Thanks for your help Trudy! We are assigning them to the column from within the ticket.

We will disable the backlog feature to address this. Thanks! 

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