Smart value of trigger issue in automation

Eliyahu Klein January 9, 2023


I created an automation that created a value in a short text field.

The trigger for automation is starting a new sprint (trigger = start sprint). I would like the value that enters the text field to be the name of the sprint that created the trigger.

If I use a smart value of type: {{}} the field returns me all the sprints that exist in the "sprint" field, including those that are already closed.


Is there a smart value that returns me only the name of the trigger sprint or at least only the name of the open sprint?



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Ste Wright
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January 9, 2023

Hi @Eliyahu Klein 

Can you provide a screenshot of your result? And the rule itself?

I replicated this rule like this:

  • Trigger: Sprint Started
    • Board = <Board Here>
  • Branch: Related Issues
    • Type = Issues in the Sprint
      • Branch-Action: Edit Issue
        • Description = {{}}

^ I tested this with Issues that had been in a previous Sprint, and were in the new Sprint being started - and the rule was successful, entering only the new Sprint's name into the Description field, no old Sprint names.

So it works for me, as you need it to!


Eliyahu Klein January 9, 2023

You're right.

Now, I want to run automation even without a sprint trigger (scheduled trigger).

Do you have any idea how I find active sprint smart value?

Ste Wright
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January 9, 2023

Hi @Eliyahu Klein 

If you're not using a Sprint Trigger, I don't believe it's possible to locate the active Sprint via smart values.

There is a feature request for it though - check out AUT-648 


Ste Wright
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January 10, 2023

Hi @Eliyahu Klein 

Awesome! Thanks for sharing the link back in this question, it might help others in future!


Just for future visibility (for anyone else who finds this question), I tested a few of the options in the linked question above, and another question which was linked to from there.

I found both of these smart values seemed to work:

  • {{#issue.sprint}}{{#if(not(isClosed))}}{{name}}{{/}}{{/}}
  • {{}}

If neither of these work for you, there are a few other options in those linked questions you can try :)


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 9, 2023

Hi @Eliyahu Klein 

 {{}} returns only the sprint that started and which triggered this automation event. I've tested it on my instance and it yielded only 1 sprint (out of 3 that are ongoing)

sprint name.png

Please share more details and screenshots in order to be able to help you.

Eliyahu Klein January 9, 2023

OMG You're right. What I didn't notice, is that I entered the value: {{}}

Only one word but It changes the whole picture.

Thank you very much!

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