Show full issue hierarchy in tickets

Evan Giordanella August 12, 2022

I am using Advanced Roadmaps and have a hierarchy like so:
Biz Theme -> Product Initiative -> Epic -> Story, etc

I am trying to find a way for each child issue to show the tree of linkage above it. For example:

Story 1 displays:
child of Epic 1
Child of Product Initiative 1
child of Biz Theme 1

or something similar. The goal would be that no matter where in the hierarchy you are, you always see the parents and children and so I can add reporting around that.

I have been looking into script runner or other plugins to help but am stuck with all the options. If anyone has set this up please let me know!

2 answers

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Erik Unemyr_EMERGENCE August 31, 2022

Hi Evan,

Are you looking for something similar to below - but I suppose the view concentrated around one issue and its respective higher and lower linkages? It would be interesting to understand what more you would like to do with the other order issues specifically, aside from just seeing them in the view - you mentioned some type of reporting? Feel free to drop me a message and we could discuss further and see if we would be able to help.

Key Overview 1 Revision B.png

The full tree can be navigated (and modified) visually, using our add-on Move and Organize for Jira, if you are open to exploring add-ons for this. It's currently setup for project views and not the issue details view however.

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Fabian Lim
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August 12, 2022

Hi @Evan Giordanella

With advanced roadmaps you cannot show linked issues in the plan. 

You will have to use a 3rd party plugin such as structure, links hierarchy or various ones in the marketplace.


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