Setting up a trigger that checks to see which branch a ticket was merged into.

Ben Price
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December 21, 2017

Our development environment includes 3 branches:

Development --> Staging --> Production

and our workflow essentially follows two separate flows.


For our remote team:

To Do - In Progress - Code Review - Development Branch - Tested - Staging Branch - Tested - Deploy to Production Branch

For our local team:

We skip over the development branch and testing steps and send tickets from Code Review right into staging.


We have a trigger set up to see when a pull request is merged after its been through the code review process. However, if it's merged into staging, we'd like the ticket to move into the Staging Column of our board. And if it's merged into development, we want the ticket to go to the Development column. 

Can't quite figure out if there's a way to do this, as branch names don't seem to be able to be associated with trigger logic.

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