Separate user facing workflow and develop work workflow

Mitch Kent November 22, 2017



We would like to enable our customers visibility of tickets in Jira. We have created a separate project for them, and set the visibility of that user to see only that project. We then bring that issue into our collective board (which has multiple projects into one backlog).


Is it possible for the ticket to have a workflow in our board that is mapped to a different workflow in the customer facing board?


E.g. Our board has several states, "needs refinement, has been refined, work has begin, automated testing, internal testing, UAT, ready for released, released" (Not real, but similar)

We'd like the customer facing board to only have, for example "Reviewed, in progress, uat, released"

needs refinement, has been refined -> Reviewed
work has begin, automated testing, internal testing -> in progress
UAT, ready for release -> uat
released -> released

Is this possible? We'd like not to divulge each step of our process to our customers.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 23, 2017

As you have different projects, yes.  You can have one workflow in the customer project and another in the internal project.  (You can in fact to it by issue type - that's quite common for projects with bugs, improvements and incidents in it - different processes are needed, hence differnt workflows)A board is a view of a selection of issues, and each board can have its own mappings.  I'd keep it simple in your case - a customer board with that simple column-to-customer-status on a 1:1 and then an internal board including both projects, and mapping both sets of status into appropriate column.

Mitch Kent November 23, 2017

Thank you for taking the time to answer - much appreciated.

My understanding of what you have written is that the ticket raised on the customer project will have the status associated with their ticket types and we can drag those around our board columns as the customer ticket status will be mapped to our board. However, those tickets will still only have the reduced state machine of their (customer project) ticket types.

What I'm reading from this is not that you can't map the issue status themselves between projects, but you can map them in your board view to different columns.

This means that tickets being refined before being put in a development sprint will have no mapping, but we can probably work around that somehow.


Thanks again for your time!

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 24, 2017

That is broadly correct, yes. The status of an issue is determined by the workflow it takes from its project and issue type.  You then use boards to represent these in columns.

Mitch Kent March 27, 2018

Hi Nic,

Thanks again for these responses. One final question if I may regarding the above. If the customer has a different board, they will have a different set of Sprints. This means it is a manual process to pull in a ticket being worked on in the sprint for our development board and also the board that the external company has access to. 

Do you know any way around this? The customer sprints will never not be identical in time/work to the development sprints so being able to mirror them in some way would be useful.

Thanks again,


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