Selective hide of Resolution field

vjpaddy February 14, 2019

Objective: To have two different sets of Resolution values - One for Development projects (e.g Unresolved, Resolved, Fixed, Cannot Reproduce.... ), Other for Production Support (e.g Customer Fault, Inaccurate process followed, Product Bug etc..)

The global system field Resolution has some configured values which are used by 100+ projects.

There are a few projects who have demanded customized Resolution values. As these are Production Support projects, the values for Resolutions that they are after is different in our case from the general list used in Resolution.

I assume and believe that the values configurable in the Resolution field are globally available and cannot be customized per project. If this customization was possible, my problem would be addressed.

I have explored the below options but to no avail, hence reaching out here for any other option that exists (or) on the contrary prove that nothing more could be done about this.

Option 1:

Add the new resolution values needed in the global list. We are considering this as the last option as it would bring in new (unexpected, unnecessary) values for majority of the 100+ projects.

Option 2: (using this currently)

Created a custom field called "Resolution 2" (with custom values) and linked this to a new Resolve Issue screen that is usable only by the projects which need this.

But,, in the "issue view" screen, I see that the (unneeded) system Resolution field also shows no matter what. i.e. tickets end up showing both Resolution & the newly created Resolution 2 fields which confuses people.

I have been trying to get rid of the system Resolution field from issue view screen by trying the following but with no luck;

* Issue view screen, removed Resolution - FAIL, still the field shows

* In global Field Configuration view, I cannot hide the Resolution field, as this I assume would hide it from all the 100+ projects (which I don't want) - FAIL

* Tried adding a post-function to issue create transition to clear off Resolution or default it to Done, hoping that would take that off the Issue view screen - FAIL, it still shows.


Any other ideas ? thoughts ?

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Joe Pitt
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February 14, 2019

You can, and I have, used fields to signal closing of steps in the workflow process. I normally call them xxxxx Status where xxxxx is the name of a milestone event like development complete, testing complete, etc. However the system resolution field is unique in that JIRA uses it in several reports, like Issues assigned to Me. It is ALWAYS required when presented on the screen so it should ONLY be presented in a transition screen where you want the issue to be flagged as resolved, often upon closing. It will also always be visible in the issue detail screen. I'm not aware of any way to hide it on the detail screen. 

vjpaddy February 15, 2019

Thanks Joseph. Good to know I was stuck at a dead end.

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