Same field multiple times

carlos sarrate February 23, 2024

We are trying to setup a ticket where a team is granted permissions for some software. Each member of the team would have permissions set individually so our original idea was to have 

Custom Field 1 (user name) = free text 

Custom Field 2 (permission)= single choice drop down 

Now is there a way to have this set up for multiple users lets say 5 members of a team without creating 10 new custom fields? 

1 answer

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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February 23, 2024

Hi Carlos,

No, there are no repeating fields in Jira.

But you can use multiple-select lists.  I would remove "Custom Field 2 (permission)" and add a new multi-user picker to replace it.

carlos sarrate February 23, 2024

Got it, but the permission would only be one per person so a multi select picker wouldnt work, or am i not understanding you? 

This is how it would look:

User1 = Bob

Perm1 = ReadOnly

User2 = Mary 

Perm2 = ReadWrite

User3 = John

Perm3 = FullAccess

and so on.

From what i can see i would have to make a custom field for each right? (User1, User2, User3, Perm1, Perm2, Perm3, etc.) 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 23, 2024

Ah, I see.

Yes, you're right, you'll need to create multiple fields for this.

You could take a different approach, rather than segment by user, segment by permission, but I don't know if your data would fit well with this.  It does for the example you put in your comment, but for large ranges of permission, I don't think it would.

The segmentation would be to have

  • Multi-user picker 1 called ReadOnly
  • Multi-user picker 2 called ReadWrite
  • Multi-user picker 3 called FullAccess

That could also work if you broke up your permissions, again using multi-user pickers for

  • Read
  • Write
  • Add attachment
  • Delete
  • Comment
  • Admin
  • etc

(That's the model that Atlassian use as well - you name multiple people for one permission, not one person with X permissions)


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