Roadmap in Confluence from Jira tickets.

Krishnan February 15, 2023

Hi All,

We would like to create confluence content that depics the Roadmap of our project. IS there any way we can extract data from Jira and show in confluence without any paid plug in. We would like to know  show the epics and story against the timeline and see the a progress bar of the epic If possible.


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Kit Friend
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February 15, 2023

Nope for showing progress without plugins.

Try pasting in the URL of the roadmap page from your Jira project - it's pretty neat and even factors in filters you've applied etc. 

Krishnan February 15, 2023

Thanks for the reply . Could you please elaborate "URL of the roadmap page from your Jira project"

Kit Friend
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 19, 2023

Go to 'roadmap' in the sidebar of your Jira project, paste the URL of that page into your Confluence page and it should nicely embed :) 

Not the most sophisticated but it's a live embed and is free 



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