Reviewer Role Separate to Assignee

Tom Smith April 2, 2024

Hi Community,

I have a custom  Reviewer field that is multi-picker user select. This role must be unique/independent of the Assignee, currently this separation is being handled manually through Managers etc. 

Is there anyway to have the field be unable to be the same as the assignee ? Like a must not equal comparison?

Running Jira cloud premium and looking to solve without additional plugins.


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John Funk
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April 2, 2024

Hi Tom - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I assume the Review field is getting populated manually and not through automation? 

Regardless, there is not an out of the box way to prevent that. The best you can do is create an automation rule based on a Field Value Changed trigger (the field being the Reviewer field and the Assignee field). Then add a condition to check that the Assignee is in the Reviewer field. Then send an email to the initiator (the person who changed the value) and probably you that lets them know this is against the functional rules. 

Then you or someone can update the Reviewer field to remove the Assignee. 

Tom Smith April 3, 2024

Yeah the automation route was one I was thinking to take but was hoping for a transition logic block / validator.

Thank you for your answer, I hadn't considered an on change trigger just a schedule, I will do both.

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Ste Wright
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April 2, 2024

Hi @Tom Smith 

Not natively as far as I know.

You could use Automation as a workaround? For example...

  1. Send a weekly list of issues to you, where a user is in both fields, or...
  2. Notify a user when their modification of one of these fields means a user is in both (eg. via a comment), or...
  3. Clear Assignee, or remove the user from the Reviewer field, if the user ends up in both (depending on which is the more important field)

You could potentially combine (2) and (3) together also!


Would something like this work for you?


Tom Smith April 3, 2024

Both logic flows work and I will do both yours and John's suggestion on initiator AND remove the reviewer field if it triggers also.

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