Reverting Sprint for multiple stories

berto.ceballos November 3, 2023

I created a new sprint and wanted to move it to the top, so I used the arrow that shows over the new sprint until I got to the top, only to realize that the arrow functionality is used to add tickets into the sprint created. 

I ended up with multiple stories from other sprints in the new sprint, I am looking for a quick way of reverting the sprint in all of the stories added to the new sprint. Anyone has any ideas how could I accomplish reverting the sprint in multiple stories at once? 

Thank you! 

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Mikael Sandberg
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November 3, 2023

Hi @berto.ceballos,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

All you have to do is go into the issue itself, the sprint field will indicate the sprints that the issue is/has been in. You can also check the history to see which sprints it has been in. 

berto.ceballos November 3, 2023

Thanks Mikael, this approach would mean to manually go into each ticket and revert the sprint? Is there a way to revert in bulk? 

Mikael Sandberg
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November 3, 2023

You could do it in bulk, just filter out the issues that are currently in the wrong sprint and then use bulk change to set the correct sprint.

berto.ceballos November 3, 2023

Got it, although I would still need to go back to each ticket's history and check  wto which sprint each ticket belong so I would need to edit one by one. I was looking for a way of reverting in bulk without having to look at each one. Does that functionality exists? Thanks Mikael

Mikael Sandberg
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November 3, 2023

No, unfortunately there is no such feature. If the issues were from the same sprint it is easy, but if they are from different ones then yes you would have to go into each one to get the previous sprint.

Weiqian Sun
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Sprint itself doesn't work. How does one find the needed Sprint ID for a Sprint to perform bulk change?

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