Reporting across multiple projects

Bernhard Müller April 3, 2023

Dear All,

our company uses Jira for Software development. As a part of the project management Team, i want to develop a cross project reporting tool.

Currently i am stuck in displaying following data over company wide projects:

  • overall working hours in a past time frame
  • milestone adherence overview linked to Jira Tickets

The crucial topic is, that it shall be project overarching... 

Do you have any solutions / plug ins working for you which you can recommend?
I am currently thinking about building a big excel tool while extracting all the data from Jira but i assume that there must be something to fit these ideas...

Warm Regards,

4 answers

4 votes
Rising Star
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April 5, 2023

Hello @Bernhard Müller 

If I've understood you properly, you want to get the report about the time spent for your team members. As an alternative, I can recommend you to try Time in Status for Jira Cloud which generates 7 types of time reports and allows exporting to CSV or XLSX files.

You can choose the report you need to get the desired data regarding the workflow process:

  1. time in status
  2. assignee time
  3. average time
  4. status entrance date
  5. status count
  6. time in status per date
  7. transition count


With its help, you can easily get the details how your team work and on which stage some delays occur.

This add-on is developed by my SaaSJet team and you can get a 30-day free trial version.

Hope you find it helpful

2 votes
Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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April 3, 2023

Hi @Bernhard Müller You can import JIRA directly into Excel.

Open Excel >> Data >> Select Data Source Web >> Enter JIRA JQL API For Eg  :- >> Connect >>

It opens Power Query editor. For Power Query editor, import data into table. That's it, you get JIRA data into Excel. You only need to refresh Data Table and update jira update will reflect in Excel file. 

If you want to create Reports into JIRA, you can create add multiple projects in Scrum or Kanban board, then creates Reports in JIRA.



1 vote
Atlassian Partner
April 4, 2023

Hi @Bernhard Müller 

As you mentioned plugins, if you are fine with a mkt place app, you can try out
Agile Tools : Epic Tree, Links Tree, Time in Status & Worklogs

Below are the main features of the app to extract different types of reports across multiple projects:

1) Links/Portfolio/Advanced Roadmaps Hierarchy :- View/Manage roll up for hierarchy (up to 10 levels), based on your Portfolio/Advanced Roadmaps/Issue Links parent child relationship.

2) Epic Hierarchy :- View/Manage roll up for standard Jira hierarchy. Epic -> User Story -> Subtask

3) Time in Status :- More than 7 types of Time in Status reports to track issues.

4) Worklogs Report :- Track time spent by resources with multiple filters / category / grouping features

5) Timesheet :- View/Enter your time spent for multiple days

Disclaimer : I work for the vendor who built this app

Links HIerarchy - Summary Report.PNGWorklogs.PNG

0 votes
Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Atlassian Partner
April 6, 2023

Hi @Bernhard Müller

1. You can try Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard app developed by our team to create various reports, charts and graphs for your Jira projects.

Below you can see an article about creating custom reports, charts and graphs in Jira with our app.

How to Create Custom and Flexible Reports, Charts and Graphs in Jira

Here is our live demo dashboard where you can see and modify sample reports and play with them.


2. You can try Status Time Reports app developed by our team. It mainly provides reports and gadgets based on how much time passed in each status.

If you are interested in cycle time & lead time, you can have a look at the article below.

Cycle Time and Lead Time in Jira: Productivity Measurement with Two Critical Parameters

Here is the online demo link, you can see it in action and try without installing the app.

Hope it helps.

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