Regarding access to multiple boards under the same project

Naman Kashyap April 3, 2024

Hi Team,


I have one Project - Project A under which I have two different boards - Board A1 and Board A2.


Say I have 10 different users - User 1 to Use 10.


Now, I want User 4 and 5 not to be able to see Board A1 - how can I do this?


Please suggest

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Community Leader
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April 3, 2024

Hi @Naman Kashyap 

Welcome to our Community.

Please try update the Viewers as specific users of the Board filter. Hope it helps.




Naman Kashyap April 3, 2024



Many thanks for the reply. I have one more challenge here - 


Under Add viewers I can only see the three options of - Group, Project, and Any logged-in user.


Please find the screenshots and kindly suggest a way to resolve this - if possibleMicrosoftTeams-image (18).pngMicrosoftTeams-image (17).pngMicrosoftTeams-image (16).png

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 4, 2024

Hi @Naman Kashyap 

My screenshot is from Jira Cloud. According to your screenshot of Jira DC, you don't have the specific user option. My suggestion is:

a)Use group to include the specific users;

b)Use project role to include the specific users, set those users in the project People setting.

Hope it helps.



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