Randomly assign a ticket when they create it in Jira


It is possible to randomly assign a ticket when it has been crafted.

Thank you in advance for your help

3 answers

2 votes
Tej May 1, 2019

Hey check Script Runner new library lot of cool stuff and sample scripts.


1 vote
Max Foerster - K15t
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March 15, 2019

Hi Miguel,

you won't be able to achieve that with a default Jira installation. Are you using Jira Server or Cloud?

If you're looking at available workflow apps on the marketplace for Jira Server you should be able to satisfy this need with a few of them. :) But what is your overall use case in more detail here? Do you really want to randomly assign issues to users in a project (Which means they need to have the"Assignable User" permission and do they have access to the project as well)? Or are you aiming at a round-robin assignment or least busy user?

Best, Max 

Max Foerster - K15t
Community Leader
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March 17, 2019


What I know for sure is the following:

  • Jira Workflow Toolbox (that's our app by the way) offers functions to assign issues to the least busy user in a project role (= least amount of unresolved tickets) or round-robin by building a queue in post functions. Other functions like last assignee in role, default user etc. are possible
  • Automation for Jira offers helpful options for your use case as well as random, workload and round-robin assignment is possible next to other options.

So these are two of a few more available options on the marketplace you can have a look at and investigate. With a groovy script, you should be able to achieve that with Scriptrunner and Jira Misc Workflow Extensions as well but that's something others have to answer. :) I'm pretty sure you can't do that with JSU. But as you can see, there are a few options available.

Best, Max

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Hi Max


Thank you for answering my question,

Actively I work with Jira service desk projects.

He wants that when a tiket is created, it will be assigned as randomly to the person who has less assigned tickets.
Could it be?

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