REST API for Board Swimlane Modifications?

Carleton Hurdman
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January 31, 2020

Question: can I modify board swimlanes via REST API?

I can see that the API version 1 documentation has some API's related to board manipulation, but nothing related to swimlanes (the swimlane feature may have come after version 1). 

However, subsequent API version documentation appears to have the section on Board's entirely removed (unless I'm blind?).

Any insight into how I may accomplish board swimlane manipulation via API would be greatly appreciated.

1 answer

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 14, 2020

Hello @Carleton Hurdman ,

There is not a public endpoint for this one so a bit of trial and error will be needed to accomplish these actions with a Private API endpoint, and there is very limited documentation on the non public endpoints, however to adjust the swimlane via API you can explore the non public API endpoints using the "Rest API Browser"  and Deselecting the "show only public APIs" option at the top of the rest browser.

This will expose a few different internal API endpoints for the board settings "rapidviewconfig" including:


Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 10.44.55 AM.png

However as these are internal endpoints there is limited information on what it avaliable and they are PUT only without a GET option to see what the current data is set to for the endpoint and it can be a bit difficult to understand the necessary endpoint data package inputs.

For this endpoint you would want to input the data package values for:

"id": Board_ID,
"swimlaneStrategyId": "VALUE"

Where the Board_ID will be the numerical value of the boards "RapidViewID" you are trying to change the settings in, and the VALUE variable will be one of the noted values for the endpoints variables listed at the following Documentation on this used to reverse engineer the data package values:

Noting the expected values are case sensitive ID's from the com.atlassian.greenhopper.model.rapid.SwimlaneStrategy , i.e. "issuechildren", "issueparent", "project", "epic" etc...

So if you were working on a board with ID=1 and wanted to set the swimlane strategy to none you could use the following CURL:

curl -D- -u username:password -X PUT --data {"id": 1,"swimlaneStrategyId": "none"} -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<BASE_URL>/rest/greenhopper/1.0/rapidviewconfig/swimlaneStrategy

Next as noted above the endpoint does not directly have a GET avaliable to see the settings for the swimlaneStrategyID value, but you can do a GET to the xbord endpoint "/rest/greenhopper/1.0/xboard/work/allData.json?rapidViewId=BOARD_ID" to get the current board details and see what Value is currently set for the swimlane.


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