Python variable back to Groovy

Joel Batac May 4, 2023

Hi, I have a post function (groovy) script that triggers a python script. In the python script there's a variable named, 'workflowname'. How can I get the value of this variable back to groovy so I can populate a text field (Workflow Name)? 

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Joel Batac May 5, 2023

I was able to get the value and was able to set field value during post function


def pythonScript = "python3 /tmp/ "
def pythonProc = pythonScript.execute()

def workflowscheme = pythonScript.execute().text.toString() 

//this will get what's 'printed' in python code

def wrkFlowSchemeNameCF = cfm.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Workflow Name")
issue.setCustomFieldValue(wrkFlowSchemeNameCF, workflowscheme)


In the python code, I only printed the value of workflowname variable. 

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Mohamed Benziane
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May 5, 2023


You can use the api rest to populate the field in your python script

Joel Batac May 5, 2023

thanks. I thought about that but how would my python script knows what issue key to update?

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