Poker app for JIRA that allows pointing Development and QA separately?

Kyle Wilz February 27, 2024

Is there a poker app available for JIRA that would allow pointing Development and QA separately within the same ticket?


We have a "Dev Points" field and "QA Points" field and automation built in to add these up to get the total. Is is possible to keep this setup and use a poker app for JIRA that would accommodate this?

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Bill Sheboy
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March 5, 2024

Hi @Kyle Wilz 

I have not seen such a tool that allows sizing two different parameters at once.  I imagine this would look like a x-y grid placement for sizing, rather than using a single numeric scale.

And...I am curious: how does that work for refinement with your team?

In my experience, people with all skill areas on the team, particularly for siloed roles of software engineers, QA engineers, etc., need to participate in the conversations with each other to collaborate on sizing during backlog refinement to form shared understanding of the why, what, and how for a request.  Which then reduces need for separate sizing by skill silo.

Otherwise if done independently, one person (with skill A) may have a different understanding of the complexity and scope of work than another person (with skill B), leading to less accurate sizing and forecasting, etc., and sometimes cause rework mid-sprint from errors.

Kind regards,

Kyle Wilz March 6, 2024

Thanks Bill! We all participate in the sizing... regardless of discipline. The discussions involved everything however we just ensure we separate out the development and the QA point within the ticket itself. Some tickets won't need QA at all, some will... but this way we can see a more detailed explanation of the level of effort for that ticket. We can also better plan for our individual and team capacity having that separated out.

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