Pending can not finalize

saulosb December 22, 2013

Is it possible to create a perminte pending for a project.



Pending: ADM

Users can point hours but can not finalize pending.

5 answers

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saulosb December 22, 2013

tks, I'll try

0 votes
saulosb December 22, 2013

This task should always appear, to any user. can never be closed.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 22, 2013

Oh, I see, you want a task that never gets resolved/closed.

Change the workflow so that it doesn't allow anyone to close it (or even remove the "closed" status you don't need)

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saulosb December 22, 2013

Would be a fixed task.

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saulosb December 22, 2013

Hi Nic, thanks for replying.

My writing not so good.

My problem:

The Manager opens the task, example:lunch

The programmer tells how much time spent on lunch task but he/she doesn't associate it for him/her and can't close the task because another programmer will also point hours on it. but this time apponted shall be accounted for every programmer.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 22, 2013

I'm not sure where the problem is or quite what you are doing.

Do you mean you've got a task (lunch) with many programmers who might work on it? Are they using "log work" on it? Is the requirement maybe "we can not close the issue until the work logged has met the estimate"?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 22, 2013

I'm afraid I don't understand the question. "Perminte pending" does not mean much.

"Pending" usually implies some sort of holding state - for example "pending authorisation", "pending payment" and so-on. The issue cannot move on until something is done.

If I have understood correctly, you are asking if you can create a "pending" status in your workflow? You can. You can then apply rules to the trnasitions on the workflow so that you can say things like "issue can only be closed by people in group Authorisers".

I'm completely lost on what you mean by "point hours" though. Sorry!

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