Migrating everything except the issues

Frederick Gaudet December 20, 2021


We are working on migrating our different environment to another infrastructure and in the process updating our old Jira (7.4.4 to 8.20.x).

We currently have a production, testing and development environment.

Our current development environment is getting out of date structurally speaking, it's doesnt look like our production environment anymore and we would like to have it look exactly the same in our new infrastructure to streamline any modification.

Our production environment is a more secure place so from a business stand point we cant have the same issues on our development environment without compromising the data security.

So now I have to create a new development environment that would contain, users, groups, fields, screens, workflows, permissions, configurations, etc. Everything except the issues created by our client. We basically want to exclude that from the migration and importation.

For more information: I can't do a full migration and then delete the issues, it is not in accord with our current security policy. I would need to have the issues truncate from the rest of the backup before end.

I was thinking about creating a backup, accessing manually the entity.xml and remove every issues, but I'm not sure what should be deleted exactly.

If someone know which field I can delete to achieve this goal, or another way to do it that is easier, I would be very grateful.

I would like to add that I already have our testing environment successfully migrated and upgraded.


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December 21, 2021

Hi @Frederick Gaudet Looking at your requirement deleting the issue from the database tables can be tricky as there may be other tables having the dependency with those tables.

If your requirement is only to secure the issues data on development instance, so that no one should able to view the details, I would suggest to import the anonymize data on the development instance, this anonymize the below data :

The anonymizer currently replaces the following text with x's:

  • Issue summary, environment, and description.
  • Comments, work logs, change logs.
  • Project descriptions.
  • Descriptions for most elements (notification schemes, permission schemes, resolutions).
  • Attachment file names.
  • "Unlimited text" custom fields.

Please check the the below document for more information


Frederick Gaudet December 22, 2021

Hello @Sagar ,


Thank you for the suggestion but that wouldn't work for what I want.

Our data security policy about the tickets/issues in our production environment is a higher protection than our development environment. So the production tickets/issues cannot even get in the database we have in development. So anonymity wouldn't work that is why I need to figure out a way to delete the ticket before importing the backup. I basically want to clone our production environment but without the tickets.

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