Kanban Board: Components as Swimlanes

Miriam Grundig July 11, 2018

Dear All,

I feel like it is not possible to create swimlanes per component? Although I'd think that would be very useful?
Is it possible to create swimlane queries? Or do I need to filter with the Query functionality?


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Manon Soubies-Camy
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July 12, 2018

Hello @Miriam Grundig and welcome to Community!

It is indeed possible to create swimlanes by components:

component-swimlane.PNGLet me know if this helps!

- Manon

Miriam Grundig July 12, 2018

Hi @Manon Soubies-Camy,
Great. That helps a lot!


Peter July 23, 2018

consider this will only show your issue in ONE swimlane line, whereas issues can have multiple components.

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June 3, 2020

Very helpful! Thanks!

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Shqipe Leka
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May 10, 2021


Can someone help me out and explain why even when i create swimlines by queries it isn't showing my swimlanes. Could it be that I have to change / configure something somewhere in the settings? 

kind regards

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Stefan Trost
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December 4, 2020

Isn't there a way to use all Components as swimlanes, just like with Epics?

I think it's very annoying to have to create a new query-based swimlane for every new Component.

Héctor Castillo
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January 9, 2021

Exactly, that behavior must be a default like Epics not create one by one jql!

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Thijs Daniels
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June 3, 2021

The thing is that whereas an issue can belong to only 1 epic, an issue can have multiple components, which means that either

  • the issue will appear in only one of the swimlanes it should appear in, which is definitely confusing
  • or Atlassian needs to make some new developments so that the issue can appear in multiple swimlanes at the same time
  • or enabling components as swimlanes should disable to option to assign multiple components to one issue.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for this becoming a standard option, I'm just saying that it's a tricky field to base swimlanes on.

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Cristian Rosas [Tecnofor]
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July 11, 2018

Hi Miriam,

Can't you do it out of the box? I can't check it right now but I remember using a customized JQL for swimlanes. Also, I remember using this add-on in some customer that allows you to do anything you need in a board,


Miriam Grundig July 12, 2018

Hi @Cristian Rosas [Tecnofor],

Thanks for the answer. Manon made me aware it can be done via Swimlanes on Queries...
We try to avoid using plugins wherever possible to keep our jira clean and updateable.


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lobna.lahmar January 20, 2020

Hi all.

I tried the same thing to display my different issues but where i return in my kanban board i didn't have my swimlanes

can u help me please?

Thanks a lotCapture1.PNGCapture2.PNG

Manon Soubies-Camy
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January 20, 2020

Hi @lobna.lahmar,

Do you have any issues with component Marketo or BFO? The swimlanes won't show up unless they contain issues.


- Manon

lobna.lahmar January 20, 2020

yes , i created a  story with the name [bfo]test and i havn't my swimlane :(

Manon Soubies-Camy
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January 20, 2020

Is "BFO" also in the Component field? If it's only in your issue summary, it won't work - you need to have Component = BFO for the swimlane to work. You can send us a screenshot of your issue if it's easier :)

lobna.lahmar January 20, 2020

i have many issues, i want to organize them in swimlanes , it doesn't contain necessarily  the word which is the name of the swimlane . i just tried to see but if you have another solution i ll take itCapture.PNGCapture2.PNG

Manon Soubies-Camy
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January 20, 2020

You need to fill in the Component field if you use JQL like "component = BFO" in your swimlanes:


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Lisa Sheffar
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January 27, 2022

Creating a Quick Filter for a Component does not work either.  I type component = "whatever" where whatever is my component name, and when I add or update, it removes the "s every time so when I select the filter, it does not find anything.

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