Joining entity_property table to cwd_users

Shanelle Boluyt January 18, 2019



Any suggestions on joining the entity_property table to cwd_users?




2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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January 21, 2019

There is no lookup or cross reference, the Atlassian systems that have those tables handle the relationships it needs in its code.

I would want to question what you are trying to achieve, as we can't really tell you where to look in a database without knowing what the actual question is.  Plus, we'd like to tell you how to answer the question without reading the database, as it is the single worst possible way to report on any Atlassian system.

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 18, 2019

Is this a question about the Jira database? A Confluence  database?  or some other product?

At least in regards to Jira: These two tables don't contain related elements/fields.  So I'm not sure how you would join them for any purpose of use.

You can see from the database schema in that these two tables don't relate directly to each other in any way.

Is there something that you are looking for within the database here?

Shanelle Boluyt January 21, 2019

Thanks.  This is for Jira.

The fields are able to be joined via API (I can lookup or set properties for a user), so I would think that their has to be some sort of lookup table somewhere...



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