Jira Structure - Formula Column "TYPE?" Error

Brian Lehmbeck
May 9, 2023

Need assistance with Jira Structure Formula column.

I have built out a Jira Dashboard made up of a number of Structures. The last column of all of my Structures is a Formula column I am using to track fixVersion.ReleaseDate as compared to targetend and duedate and return text values of overdue, on track, or past desired date. I have success for a mjority of the Story and Task issues I am tracking but for others receive a "TYPE?" error.

It should be noted that ALL Jira issue types of Story and Task have:

  • A Fix Versions
  • Due Date or Sprint

assigned to them.

I do not see a difference between a Story that updates the Formula properly and one that give the error.

The formula I am using is below:

IF (

(issuetype = 'Story' OR issuetype = 'Task')AND targetend = undefined and duedate >= DATE('2022-01-01');

iF (

duedate > fixVersion.ReleaseDate, ":panel[OVERDUE]{color=red}",

duedate <= fixVersion.ReleaseDate, ":panel[ON TRACK]{color=blue}"




IF (

(issuetype = 'Story' OR issuetype = 'Task')AND targetend >= DATE('2022-01-01');

iF (

targetend > fixVersion.ReleaseDate, ":panel[Past Desired Date]{color=red}",

targetend <= fixVersion.ReleaseDate, ":panel[ON TRACK]{color=blue}"



IF (

(issuetype = 'Story' OR issuetype = 'Task');

if (

duedate = undefined and targetend = undefined, ":panel[Need Sprint or Due Date]{color=orange}"



Here is a screen grab of the error I see for some of my rows:

Jira Type Error2.jpg

It should be noted there are no errors in my Formula per the below pic:

No errors.jpg

Any thoughts?

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David Niro
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
May 10, 2023

Hi @Brian Lehmbeck ,

Posting here as well in case others are looking for similar information.  Thank you for working through this with me!  As you identified, the reason the formula was throwing the error was due to there being more that one fixversion on some of the issues.

We were able to resolve this by using a unique identifier from the fixversion.name to FILTER() the ones we wanted.

We also used Local Variables to move some of the repeating conditions outside of the nested IF statements to come up with: 

with _releasedate = fixversion.FILTER($.name.LEFT(4) = "LCUS").releasedate:

with _issuetype = 
    IF issuetype = "Story" OR issuetype = "Task":

with _condition1 =
    IF _issuetype = "true" AND targetend = undefined and duedate >= DATE('2022-01-01'):

with _condition2 =
    IF _issuetype = "true" AND targetend >= DATE('2022-01-01'):

with _condition3 = 
    IF _issuetype = "true" AND duedate = undefined AND targetend = undefined:

IF _condition1 = "true" AND duedate > _releasedate:
ELSE IF _condition1 = "true" AND duedate < _releasedate:
    ":panel[ON TRACK]{color=blue}"
ELSE IF _condition2 = "true" AND targetend > _releasedate:
    ":panel[Past Desired Date]{color=red}"
ELSE IF _condition2 = "true" AND targetend <= _releasedate:
    ":panel[ON TRACK]{color=blue}"
ELSE IF _condition3 = "true" :
    ":panel[Need Sprint or Due Date]{color=orange}"


Brian Lehmbeck
May 10, 2023

Thank you for all of your help David!

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