Jira Automation

Sajal Mukherjee March 29, 2024

Hi Team,


I am looking for a solution where when planning a sprint, the PO can automatically see what percentage of Issues falls in what bracket. There should be a a row showing percentage of story points planned for a sprint in the backlog view itself.

2 answers

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Walter Buggenhout
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March 29, 2024

Hi @Sajal Mukherjee and welcome to the Community!

What would you like to use to have this percentage of story points calculated? What would represent 100%?

As a practice, look at the velocity chart in the reports section of your team's scrum board to determine the number of story points your team normally delivers in a sprint. Check if your team is at full capacity for the upcoming sprint (check for holidays, illness, other absences or change in capacity) and just add the net number of story points you think your team can complete. If your board's estimation statistic is set to story points, you should see the number of points in your sprint in the backlog view.

Hope this helps!

Sajal Mukherjee April 2, 2024

@Walter Buggenhout the scenario would be. Example let's say the PO is adding 10 issues (with 1 SP each) in the Sprint, and 4 belong to feature upgrade, 5 belong to small change requests, and 1 belong to bug, then when he is planning he should see a table with the 3 categories with 40%, 50% and 10% immediately. If he updates the assignment, the percentage should update automatically 

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Ste Wright
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March 29, 2024

Hi @Sajal Mukherjee 

When you say percentage of Story Points, what do you mean? Percentage based on velocity? Or...?

In the top-right of a Sprint in the Backlog view, there is an indicator for Story Points, assuming this your estimation is set to points. It should show in 3 circles...

  • Grey - points total for issues in To Do statuses
  • Blue - In Progress
  • Green - Done

...is this not sufficient?


Sajal Mukherjee April 2, 2024

@Ste Wright That would not be helpful. This for Sprint Planning, where the PO want to see 2 sprints in advance, what is the percentage of Story Points he has assigned for 3 buckets. Example let's say the PO is adding 10 issues (with 1 SP each) in the Sprint, and 4 belong to feature upgrade, 5 belong to small change requests, and 1 belong to bug, then when he is planning he should see a table with the 3 categories with 40%, 50% and 10% immediately. If he updates the assignment, the percentage should update automatically 

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