Jira Automation - create a new Epic with multiple child issues within an existing parent issue (I

James Morris
September 23, 2022

Trying to solve a Jira Automation without the use of smart value variables

Aim is to create a new Epic with multiple child issues (Tasks) within an existing parent issue (Initiative)

Issue hierarchy (links)
- Initiative
- Epic  (parent link) 
- Task / Story / Bug / ... (Epic link)
- Sub-Task 

Rule Trigger:  Issuetype = Initiative + Status transition to "Agree"

Then: Create new Epic + Parent link = Trigger issue

And: Create new Task + Epic link = <copy from issue / parent / epic / trigger>
And: Create new Task + Epic link = <copy from issue / parent / epic / trigger>
And: Create new Task + Epic link = <copy from issue / parent / epic / trigger>

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 24, 2022

Hi @James Morris 

Is this a question of how you are going to achieve this, or the initiation of discussion about this subject? Are you stuck somewhere?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 24, 2022

and why "without the use of smart variables"?  What is the point of trying to do something without them if they're useful for the the task you're trying to do?

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James Morris
September 25, 2022

Thanks @Alex Koxaras @Nic Brough 

Yep - stuck as unable to create simple automation that creates the Tasks with the Epic Link of the new Epic included in the same automation rule - I can solve this in separate automation rules post Epic creation but was hoping for simple out of the box template I could apply to this use-case.

Wanted to avoid smart variables at this stage as the automation rules will likely evolve as we mature so need simplest way to maintain them for this interim period...

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 25, 2022

@James Morris try the following:

new issue.png

And/or add a "Re-fetch issue data" before branching it. All the above could do the trick.

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James Morris
September 26, 2022

Thanks @Alex Koxaras 

I went with a simper solution to generate Task creation within a separate rule triggered by the creation of the Epic 

Eric Pruitt
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November 21, 2022

In case anyone else finds this, in the Jira Automation create issue.  Add the Epic Link field, and use this smart issue {{triggerissue.key}}

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