JQL filter to trigger an Automation rule in JIRA DC

Eshita Seelam August 10, 2023

Hi , we are using "Automation for JIRA" plugin and are trying to create a JQL filter (example, rule=ABC) when run in JIRA issue navigator, triggers an automation rule that goes through all the stories in a project, verifies the condition and displays the issues as a result in the issue navigator.

However we do not see a suitable action to be triggered. Could you help us with this use case. Thank you in advance!




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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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August 10, 2023

@Eshita Seelam


You cannot do that with Automation for Jira. You can run a scheduled rule that will iterate over tickets in a JQL query and perform actions on each ticket.





Eshita Seelam August 10, 2023

Hi Kian,

Thank you for answering this question.

Will we be able to send an email of all the tickets that satisfy that condition. Let's say there are 50 tickets that satisfy the condition, we would like to send a single email of the entire list of 50 tickets.

Thank you!

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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August 10, 2023

Yes. You could do that through Automation for Jira. But you could also do it using a filter subscription. Have you ever used those?

Eshita Seelam August 10, 2023

yes, we are aware of JRA filter subscriptions. However, we are looking for Stories that are done without any comments in them. We are not sure how to verify if a Story has comments or not using native JIRA functionality without a plugin.

If there is a way for that we are happy to try it!

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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August 10, 2023

You can do something like this:


Screen Shot 2023-08-10 at 1.50.37 PM.png

Eshita Seelam August 11, 2023

Thank you sharing this Kian. However, we do not see an action/condition "lookup Issues". Not sure if it's because we are on JIRA DC and not Cloud.

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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August 11, 2023

@Eshita Seelam


I'm sorry. I didn't see you were on server!


It's basically the same process. Used a scheduled trigger, and check the box for "Process all issues produced by this trigger in bulk".


Screen Shot 2023-08-11 at 11.16.35 AM.png


Then you want to put in the following logic:




//Your email body will go here. UYou can use items such as {{key}} or {{url}} to access individual ticket information.


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