[JQL] How to show custom data in column in Issue Navigator?

Jenni Järvinen January 4, 2018


Is it possible for me to show custom data in a column in Issue Navigator?

I would need to see a date when the issue has been changed to its current status.

So if I list issues like:

status = "Ready for production" AND status changed after -1w

... then can I have a column in the Issue Navigator that shows me something like "Date when status was changed: XX/XX/XXXX"

Or is there some add-on that could do this?



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Alexey Matveev
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January 4, 2018


You could use Power Custom Fields add-on. It is a free add-on. You could create a script like that:

JFieldChange [] fieldChangeList = getFieldChanges(key, "status");
int fieldChangeListSize = size(fieldChangeList);
return fieldChangeList[fieldChangeListSize -1].changeDate;

Then you can add the field in the Issue Navigator.

You can read more about Power Custom Fields here:


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