JIRA manual upgrade, using existing db

Adam Adam January 19, 2018

I'm testing an upgrade of JIRA from 7.1 to 7.3.8 using the manual .tar.gz, and I'm scripting it with Ansible

Is it necessary to do the XML download -> create a new empty database for JIRA -> upload XML process? I've tested it, and it seems to work OK using the same database and schema

If I don't need to do this, I'll be very happy, because I'll be able to script the whole process instead of just some of it!

If it works from 7.1 -> 7.3, would it also work for 6.x -> 7.0?

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Atlassian Team
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January 19, 2018

Hi Adam,

I took a look at the article and I believe the following line helps answer our question:

Make sure that you deleted the dbconfig.xml file, otherwise JIRA will try to connect to your existing database.

The XML portion makes a backup and imports that same data into a clean instance.  If there are no changes that need to be made to the server.xml I would try just using the same one after the upgrade.

The issues may come in upgraded database drivers so I would make sure to check the Upgrade Notes and the Software Release Notes for any versions that you want to upgrade to.

In regards to 6.x -> 7.0 this should be ok but again I would make sure to check the Upgrade Notes and the Software Release Notes for any versions in between 6.x and 7.0 to make sure there's nothing to be aware of.

Try this in a test environment and let us know the outcome.



Adam Adam January 19, 2018

Thanks, Branden! So far it's working ok, I'll keep testing it out

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