Issue type Subtask cant selected while creating issue

Ravindra Kumbhar October 16, 2019

I am creating tasks in backlog, can not select new issue as Subtask. I can see Subtask issue type exists in project settings.

Please let me know how can i enable issue type as Subtask

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Ollie Guan
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October 16, 2019

Hello @Ravindra Kumbhar ,

Subtask issue types are different from regualar issue types.

If your project doesn't already have a subtask issue type, you'll need to add one.

  1. Navigate to your next-gen software project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Issue types.
  3. Select Add issue type.
  4. Select Subtask.

You can create subtasks under any standard issues, like Stories, Bugs, or Tasks. Note that you cannot create subtasks under Epics or other Subtasks.


Ravindra Kumbhar October 16, 2019

Thank you for response, i managed to created sub task by adding child task in task.

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