How to write a filter to get only issues whose linked issues all have a specific version?

SSchoepel August 28, 2017

I'm trying to write a filter (or set of filters) where I want only issues that have links of a specific type that all have a specific version assigned and I do not want any issues if there are more of that kind of link but to a different version.

I need only the hazard issues (haz project) that have linked requirements (req project) where every requirement linked to it has a specific affectedVersion. And I don't want any hazard issues where there may be more requirements but they have a different affectedVersion. AND, for those requirements, I want only those requirements used that have linked tests (test project) where every test linked has a specific affectedVersion. And I don't wnat any requirement issues where there may be more test linked but those tests have a different affectedVersion.

I tried using nested filters but it's not working. We have JQL Tricks and ScriptRunner and I'm just not getting it.

I can get issues where at least one of the linked issues has the affectedVersion. What I want is the issues where there are only linked issues with that affectedVersion.

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