How to write JQL Current sprint + 1 ?

Lykemtheng He June 10, 2022

I would like to know how to write JQL current sprint + 1. currently if I write "project = ABC and sprint in futureSprints() "  I will get all future sprints. However, In this case I only want to search current sprint + 1.

thank you

4 answers

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Sreenivasaraju P
Rising Star
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June 11, 2022

Hi @Lykemtheng He ,


As per my knowledge, this feature is not available out of the box. 


You can achieve this with scrip runner plugin.

nextSprint(board) - will give you issues of the next active sprint .

Please refer below link for more details.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 13, 2022

Hi @Lykemtheng He 

As you're on Jira Cloud, the correct answer is to get an app that provides JQL extensions you're looking for.

With standard JQL, you can only get a list of issues and export them to Excel for further processing. This works if you want to do a one-off analysis. If your use case is more dynamic than that, look beyond standard Jira.

Standard JQL doesn't easily allow it, but you can quickly find the results using our professional indexing service JQL Search Extensions


Finds issues that are planned for the next sprint. Pass a Jira board name or board id as an argument.

issue in nextSprint("ACME board")

issue in nextSprint(10)


Check out the documentation for more examples.
I hope this helps!

Lykemtheng He June 14, 2022

thank you so much

1 vote
Andrea Pannitti
Rising Star
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June 10, 2022

Hi @Lykemtheng He ,

with the JQL: "project = ABC and sprint in futureSprints() " you don't get the number of future sprints but all the issues present in future sprints. So, the result is a set of issues and not simply a number; then you cannot add 1 to it.
A way to get the number of sprints + 1 is to do it programmatically (eg. using ScriptRunner).

Lykemtheng He June 12, 2022

thank you so much.

0 votes
Lily C March 8, 2024

Hi, I tried running the Nextsprint function and it is pulling up the tickets based on the next sprint that was created, for example sprint 4 was created as sprint ID 122 then sprint 2 was created as sprint ID 123, it pulls up sprint 4 rather than sprint 2. Is there a function to pull the tickets in the next sprint based on the order of the sprints in the backlog? 

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