How to see the Using Rank setting

Jordan Bergtraum August 17, 2022

I need to find the "Using Rank" setting in my board as seen here:


However, when I click on "Configure Board" in my project I see a totally different setting interface that does not have the Using Rank option, as seen here:


Please help.


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John Funk
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April 19, 2023

Hey @Jordan Bergtraum  - Did you ever get feedback from Atlassian? Did you solve it? 

Jordan Bergtraum April 19, 2023

I did. It required some backend fix in our instance.

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John Funk
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April 19, 2023


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Trudy Claspill
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August 18, 2022

Hello @Jordan Bergtraum 

Welcome to the community.

The first image you provided is for a board for a Company Managed project. The second image you provided is for a board for a Team Managed project. It will say at the bottom of the navigation pane on the left which type of project it is.

For a Team Managed project Ranking is always on already and you are not able to turn that off.

Can you tell us what problem you are trying to solve?

Jordan Bergtraum August 18, 2022

Goal: Manually sort Epics so they represent our "roadmap" level objectives in the right order. 

Currently functionality: I manually re-order epics, which makes me assume I can manually sort. However, after any page reload/refresh the Epics go back to being sorted by what appears to be their ID. So all that work gets lost.

Ahhh, so how can I change my project to allow me to manually sort Epics?

Trudy Claspill
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August 18, 2022

Where and how exactly are you manually re-ordering your Epics?

In a Team Managed Scrum project I am able to re-order my Epics in both the Roadmap screen and the Backlog Screen (in the Epics pane) by dragging and dropping them. When I refresh the screens (either one) the ordering I set is retained.

Jordan Bergtraum August 18, 2022

Doesn't work from "Backlog" with Epics open or "Roadmap".

Trudy Claspill
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August 18, 2022

Can you provide step-by-step what you are doing/seeing?

It seems to work for me, but maybe I am not doing the same thing you are doing.

Also, what browser are you using?

Jordan Bergtraum August 22, 2022

@Trudy Claspill Any thougths?

Trudy Claspill
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August 22, 2022

@Jordan Bergtraum 

So far I have not been able to recreate what you are seeing, but there are more tests I want to try. I haven't been able to get back to this due to my workload.

You might want to open a case directly with Atlassian Support to see if they can provide a quicker answer.

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