How to refine search within a field

Amanda Brasington
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February 21, 2024

I have a field for linked issues which lists all of the linked tickets.

I want to use a filter to display only when that field contains a certain type of ticket " COM-1234" for example

This field shows a strike through if the Com ticket is closed and I need a simple view to see parent ticket and only the linked "com-" ticket to see if it is open or closed.

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February 21, 2024

Hi @Amanda Brasington if the default JQL doesn't support direct querying of linked issues by their key or status. Here's a general approach:
1. Check Default JQL Capabilities: First, try using Jira's native JQL capabilities to see if you can construct a query that meets your needs. However, Jira's out-of-the-box JQL may not support filtering by specific linked issue keys or statuses directly.

2. Use a Plugin: If the default JQL doesn't suffice, consider using a Jira plugin like "Jira Misc Custom Fields" or "ScriptRunner". These plugins extend JQL's functionality and allow for more complex queries, including those involving linked issues.

3. Construct Your Query: With a plugin, you can write a query that checks for issues linked to a specific ticket (e.g., "COM-1234") and evaluates the status of those linked issues. For example, in ScriptRunner, you might use Java:

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("key = COM-1234", "is not resolved")

This example query would find issues linked to "COM-1234" that are not resolved, helping you see if the linked "COM-" ticket is open or closed.

4. Create a Filter: Once you have your query, create a new filter in Jira using this query. You can then use this filter in your dashboards or boards to get a simple view of parent tickets and their linked "COM-" tickets, along with their open/closed status.

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LynnG February 21, 2024

The strikethrough means that the issue has been resolved, not necessarily closed.


Try a query with

issue in linkedIssues("SPRIN-6") and status = open  

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