How to make Jira Kanban board scroll to the right rather than making columns less wide (too thin)?

eirens March 30, 2020

How to make Jira Kanban board scroll to the right rather than making columns less wide (too thin)?

I have some Kanban boards with a lot of columns. I'd like these to be a certain minimum width (each) and to see the ones to the right (that don't fit on my monitor in my web browser in Windows), I'd like to use a scroll bar. Right now, the columns are just too skinny/thin to read their names or to understand which issues are in them. The problem (for me here) is that they resize to absolutely all fit in my browser window. That's not the behaviour I want.

In the iPad Jira app, this works well. Can we get this same bevhaviour in Windows via web browser?

W10 -- 2020-03-30, 14_25_15 -- .png


2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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March 30, 2020

Hi @eirens 

The Chrome extension noted will need to be installed by all users.  You may also want to review and vote for this suggestion to add horizontal scrolling and collapsible columns to boards:

eirens April 3, 2020

Thank you! I cast my (up)vote in JSWCLOUD-17698.

Deleted user March 23, 2021

Also check this out:

It's been there LONGER.

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eirens March 24, 2021

Wow, @[deleted] ! Thank you.

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John Funk
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March 30, 2020

Hi @eirens  - I would suggest using the Better Jira Chrome Extension. It's free and it allows you to control the width of your columns.

eirens April 3, 2020

Thank you!

eirens April 3, 2020

Oh, it's a Chrome extension, not an Atlassian Marketplace extension. Okay, that'll work for some of my teammates. Some of us refuse to use Google Chrome.

John Funk
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April 6, 2020

There's one for FireFox and one Safari - would that help?

eirens May 8, 2020

Yes, it would! Thank you!

John Funk
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May 8, 2020
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eirens May 8, 2020

@John Funk , I didn't find a "Better Jira" Safari extension. Do you happen to have a link to it?

John Funk
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May 8, 2020

Actually, the Safari version has gotten out of date and Apple has made it too time-consuming and expensive to get it up to speed. Sorry. 

Deleted user March 23, 2021

With all due respect @John Funk this doesn't help a large number of folks who in their corporate environments are disallowed the installation of browser extensions of any sort without a MASSIVE undertaking to vet these things.


I posit to you, that if this can be accomplished by a browser extension, that Atlassian has it in its wherewithal to correct this within the application system itself.


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John Funk
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March 23, 2021

Wouldn't argue that - here's a link to support to make that recommendation  :-)

Deleted user March 23, 2021
Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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March 23, 2021

Hello all!  I added a suggestion for this last year; please see this one:

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