How to filter for key starting with letters EAH?

Joanna Hibbert February 22, 2019

Very sorry - I know this should be easy, but I cannot get it to work.

Have tried like, %, *, ~

I will also need criteria for tickets created this year.

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Rising Star
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February 22, 2019

With straight JQL if you are trying to find issues from a project with key EAH, then you can query for:



If you are trying to find issues from project with key's starting with EAH (e.g. EAHA, EAHB, etc) you wont be able to do a wildcard search.  The closest you can get is probably by listing all the project keys manually in your query:

project in (EAH, EAHA, EAHB) ...


For tickets created this year:

created >= startOfYear() and created <= endOfYear()
Joanna Hibbert February 22, 2019

the project bit is a shame, but the created filter is very useful. Thank you

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John Funk
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February 22, 2019

Welcome to the Community, Joanna!

Are the letters EAH the full project key? Or do you have multiple project keys that start with those letters? 

I would probably work off of the project and not the key. For example, Project = EAH. But that won't work if you have multiple projects that are needed. 

Joanna Hibbert February 22, 2019

I'm thoroughly confused about the name of the piece of data I'm querying - issue?  issuekey? key?  It's the id code, and the first 3 letters are EAH for my team.  It will return thousands of rows.

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 22, 2019

When using JQL, the key is the term JIRA uses for the id of the issue, e.g. EAH-123, which is actually the issue key. 

The project can refer to the actual name of the Project (e.g. Every Armadillo Hiccups) or the shortened code of the project (EAH), which they refer to as the project key. 

It definitely can be confusing when just the word key is used. In JQL key is used for the issue key and project is used for the project key (or name). 

I hope that helps a little. 

If you are using JMWE or ScriptRunner or a similar add-on, you should use project.key or issue.key. 

Joanna Hibbert February 22, 2019

Thank you, John. 

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