How to export custom fields that contain comma to a CSV file

Lene Solberg January 15, 2018


When I export fields that contain comma and I open the CSV file in Excel, the coloumns are all wrong.. does anyone have a tip for how I can export these fields into an excel sheet?

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 24, 2018

This is currently a know issues with the CSV exporting in Jira.   You can not change what character is being used in regards to delimiting fields in the Jira CSV exporter, it is hard coded to use the comma.

In turn there is an existing feature request to be able to change the delimiting character over in that would help with this problem.

In the meantime, if you're using Jira Server 7.2.x or higher you might be able to follow the steps in the KB: JIRA Excel export of issues no longer opens correctly.   At the bottom of that KB there are steps to re-enable the now deprecated XLS export:

We removed the Excel export option in JIRA 7.2, as we've introduced a more robust, flexible exporter in the CSV export. We hope you find this more beneficial. We do plan on removing this functionality entirely, however in the meantime, it can be unlocked with the following steps:

1. Stop JIRA.
2. Locate the file in the $JIRA_HOME directory. If the file does not exist, please proceed to create it.
3. Open the file and add the below on a separate line:


4. Save this file.
5. Restart JIRA.

It's not clear how long this workaround might remain viable for Jira, but this might be helpful as a means to export this data into an Excel file.  

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