How to create a multi project burndown chart?

Niels Finkenflugel October 24, 2022

I have my teams working on several projects in parallel and each project has its own project in Jira. For all projects, the sprints run in the same cadence and the naming is similar <project>.<year>.<sprint nr>.

I have a scrum board that shows all relevant tickets for a given team for a given sprint based on a JQL. However, since the tickets reside in different projects, I can only get a burndown chart on a per-project basis but not see the overall sprint's progress a whole.


For example: 

Sprint XX 22.42 consists of 20 tickets: 10x Proj1, 4x Proj2 and 6x Proj3. I can see the burndown charts for proj1 2 and 3 but I cannot see the cumulative burndown chart showing me 20 tickets and the remaining work.


Any idea how this can be addressed?

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Cloudites Owner
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October 24, 2022

Get the free Atlassian dashboard reports and tools installed, which includes a burndown that allows you to define a custom filter for the view.

Niels Finkenflugel October 24, 2022

That sounds worth a try! I had a look at the marketplace but I seem to be unable to find what you are referring to. Would it be possible to drop a link?

Cloudites Owner
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 24, 2022

Use keyword Atlassian in combination with the free flag.

Niels Finkenflugel October 24, 2022

I'm afraid I need more hints. Just went through all the Atlassian apps trice (publisher is Atlassian) but did not find anything that seems to match your recommendation. Searching for Atlassian as keyword results in 303 hits; filtering on reporting does not yield the results I was hoping for :(

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