How to branch the workflow?

Jirong Hu February 11, 2015

Is it possible to branch the workflow, so people can choose alternative route? e.g. now we have a workflow has a "Pending Validation" state, some people want to replace it with two states "Pending QA Validation" and "Pending UAT Validation", but the rest of them still wants one state "Pending Validation". So basically we need to branch the workflow to have two routes, one goes to "Pending Validation" only and one goes to "Pending QA Validation" and then "Pending UAT Validation". Can this be done in JIRA? Can you point me to a good document?



1 answer

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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February 11, 2015

Jira's workflow engine supports this, you just need to define your workflow as per

Add the new route through the new status.

Then protect the transitions with conditions if you want to hide them from people 

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