How do I view saved filter columns?

Pauline Isgar May 25, 2021


I have set up a shared filter and created a gadget on a shared dashboard to view the data.  When clicking from the dashboard to view the filter, there is no option to select the column view as Filter and it just defaults to the users My Defaults with the Filters option being greyed out.  See below screenshot.

What am I doing wrong?  How can I ensure the user views the filter in the way it was designed?

If the user searches for the filter, they are able to see the Filters option.  I don't want the users to have to do this as I want them to be using the dashboards.


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Vikrant Yadav
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May 25, 2021

Hi @Pauline Isgar 

add a column layout to a saved filter:

  1. Choose Issues > Manage Filters.
  2. Click the My tab. This tab displays all the filters that have been created by you.
  3. Locate the filter you wish to update; click the filter's name to display the results. Be sure you are viewing the filter in the List view so that you see the columns.
  4. Configure the column order as desired by clicking on the column name and dragging it to the new position. Your changes are saved and will be displayed the next time you view this filter.

First you have to save filter then modify column it save automatically.



Vikrant Yadav
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May 25, 2021

Change column under my filter not default one. 

Pauline Isgar May 25, 2021

Hi Vikrant

Thanks for responding.  Unfortunately this did not work.  The user can see the correct view when they locate the filter in that way but when they click from a dashboard the view is set to my defaults and the user is not able to amend to 'Filter' to allow them to see the columns that are saved under the filter.

Do you know of a way to allow the user to select the 'filter' view?

Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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May 25, 2021

May I know which gadget are you using ?

Pauline Isgar May 25, 2021

I am using the Issue Statistics gadget.

Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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May 25, 2021

In Issue Statistics column you can't add columns. 

As per the "Statistic Type:" you selected it shows Count and percent according to that only. 



Pauline Isgar May 26, 2021

Thanks for taking the time to respond.  I know the gadget itself will only show me the count and percentage but when I click from the gadget to the list of issues I am unable to see the 'Filter' columns which is causing some confusion.

Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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May 26, 2021

Hello @Pauline Isgar  For this you need to click on Save As filter then you only you will be able to see Filter otherwise it only show you "my default" coumns. 



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