How do I mark a subtask as 'done' without it trigger an automation?

Rose M.Cares
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October 6, 2022

I have an automation set up that when 'Recheck' is marked as 'Done', it clones the card to a separate board and moves it to the end column. However, I need to be able to introduce a second round of 'Recheck'. I have made a manual automation whereby 'Recheck' and 'Revisions' are added as a second round of subtasks however, when I've done this, I cannot mark the original 'Recheck' as done, without it triggering the clone to other board automation!


So below is the automation which adds a second round of revisions and recheck. (But I can't get it to mark the original recheck subtask as done. 


Underneath that is the move to the other board automation. 



 Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 12.21.08.pngScreenshot 2022-10-06 at 12.20.44.png

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John Funk
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October 6, 2022

Hi Rose - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You can add another Condition to check in the first rule when the Sub-task is marked done. 

It might be that you add a custom field and then set the value in the new Sub-task when it is created in the second round. The field can be hidden from the screen. Then in the first rule, you check to see if that value is set, if so, then don't finish running the rule. 

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